Contributing to pytd ==================== Code Formatting and Testing --------------------------- We use `black `__ and `isort `__ as a formatter, and `flake8 `__ as a linter. Our CI checks format with them. Note that black requires Python 3.6+ while pytd supports 3.5+, so you must need to have Python 3.6+ for development. We highly recommend you to introduce `pre-commit `__ to ensure your commit follows required format. You can install pre-commit as follows: .. code:: sh pip install pre-commit pre-commit install Now, black, isort, and flake8 will check each time you commit changes. You can skip these check with ``git commit --no-verify``. If you want to check code format manually, you can install them as follows: .. code:: sh pip install black isort flake8 Then, you can run those tool manually; .. code:: sh black pytd flake8 pytd isort You can run formatter, linter, and test by using nox as the following: .. code:: sh pip install nox # You should install at the first time nox Documenting ----------- .. code:: sh pip install -r doc/requirements.txt Edit contents in ``doc/``: .. code:: sh cd doc Build HTML files to render Sphinx documentation: .. code:: sh make html The ``doc/`` folder is monitored and automatically published by `Read the Docs `__.