
v1.4.2 (2021-02-10)

  • Presto queries issued by pandas_td.read_td_query use join_distribution_type session property instead of the deprecated distributed_join property. See our documentation for more information about the change. (#100)


pytd does not offer its version 1.4.1 because an unofficial 1.4.1 binary was unexpectedly published to PyPI and deleted immediately; PyPI refuses to re-upload deleted version numbers.

v1.4.0 (2021-01-11)

  • Deprecate (Py)Spark 2.x and Python 3.5 support, and migrate to Spark 3.x and Python 3.8, respectively. SparkWriter requires running with Spark 3.x from now on. (#94)

v1.3.0 (2020-05-11)

  • Enable passing extra keyword arguments (e.g., fmt="msgpack") to pandas_td.to_td. (#80)

  • Support engine_version option in query APIs. (#81)

  • Add force_tdclient option to Presto query interfaces for deterministically using tdclient rather than prestodb. (#85)

  • Add a precondition check to Writer#write_dataframe for making sure the type of table argument. (#86)

  • Documentation updates. (#82, #89)

v1.2.0 (2020-03-18)

  • Support nullable column containing pandas.NA, which was newly introduced in pandas 1.0.0. The Writer module internally converts pandas.NA into None before ingesting pandas.DataFrame to Treasure Data. Note that Writer#write_dataframe may behave differently between before and after upgrading pandas to 1.0.0 because of the experimental, backward-incompatible updates on the dependent package. (#72)

v1.1.0 (2020-03-07)

  • Support list-type column in BulkImportWriter#write_dataframe. A list-type column of pandas.DataFrame will be stored into Treasure Data table as an array-type column. (#60)

  • Store a resulting object from Client#query to Client.query_executed. The object could be a Treasure Data job id if query is executed via tdclient. (#63)

  • Support null value in str, bool, and "Int64"-type column of pandas.DataFrame. (#68, #71)

  • Update minimum required pandas version to 0.24.0 (#69)

v1.0.0 (2019-11-11)

  • Update documentation site. (#49, #57)

  • Add Treasure Data API endpoint HTTPS scheme validation. (#51)

  • Support bulk importing with the MessagePack format. (#53)

  • Improve stability of BulkImportWriter session ID. (#55)

  • Require td-client-python version 1.1.0 or later. (#56)

  • Add Client#exists(database, table) and Client#create_database_if_not_exists(database) method. (#58)

v0.8.0 (2019-09-17)

  • Clean up docstrings and launch documentation site. (#43, #44)

  • Disable type, one of the Treasure Data-specific query parameters, because it is conflicted with the engine option. (#45)

  • Add td-pyspark dependency for easily accessing to the td-spark functionalities. (#46, #47)

v0.7.0 (2019-08-23)

  • Support if_exists="append" option in BulkImportWriter. (#38)

  • PrestoQueryEngine and HiveQueryEngine accept Treasure Data-specific query parameters such as priority. (#41)