
class pytd.Client(apikey=None, endpoint=None, database='sample_datasets', default_engine='presto', header=True, **kwargs)[source]

Treasure Data client interface.

A client instance establishes a connection to Treasure Data. This interface gives easy and efficient access to Presto/Hive query engine and Plazma primary storage.

  • apikey (str, optional) – Treasure Data API key. If not given, a value of environment variable TD_API_KEY is used by default.

  • endpoint (str, optional) – Treasure Data API server. If not given, is used by default. List of available endpoints is:

  • database (str, default: 'sample_datasets') – Name of connected database.

  • default_engine (str, {‘presto’, ‘hive’}, or pytd.query_engine.QueryEngine, default: ‘presto’) – Query engine. If a QueryEngine instance is given, apikey, endpoint, and database are overwritten by the values configured in the instance.

  • header (str or bool, default: True) – Prepend comment strings, in the form “– comment”, as a header of queries. Set False to disable header.


Connection to Treasure Data.




Query execution result returned from DB-API Cursor object.


Presto query executed via prestodb returns PrestoResult object:

>>> import pytd
>>> client = pytd.Client()
>>> client.query_executed
>>> client.query('select 1')
>>> client.query_executed
<prestodb.client.PrestoResult object at 0x10b9826a0>

Meanwhile, tdclient runs a job on Treasure Data, and Cursor returns its job id:

>>> client.query('select 1', priority=0)
>>> client.query_executed

Note that the optional argument priority forces the client to query via tdclient.


str or prestodb.client.PrestoResult, default: None

__init__(apikey=None, endpoint=None, database='sample_datasets', default_engine='presto', header=True, **kwargs)[source]


__init__([apikey, endpoint, database, ...])


Close a client I/O session to Treasure Data.


Create a database on Treasure Data if it does not exist.

exists(database[, table])

Check if a database and table exists.


Get a td-client-python Job object from job_id.

get_table(database, table)

Create a pytd table control instance.


Get a list of td-client-python Database objects.


Get a list of td-client-python Job objects.


Get a list of td-client-python Table objects.

load_table_from_dataframe(dataframe, destination)

Write a given DataFrame to a Treasure Data table.

query(query[, engine])

Run query and get results.

__init__(apikey=None, endpoint=None, database='sample_datasets', default_engine='presto', header=True, **kwargs)[source]

Get a list of td-client-python Database objects.

Return type

list of tdclient.models.Database


Get a list of td-client-python Table objects.


database (string, optional) – Database name. If not give, list tables in a table associated with this pytd.Client instance.

Return type

list of tdclient.models.Table


Get a list of td-client-python Job objects.

Return type

list of tdclient.models.Job


Get a td-client-python Job object from job_id.


job_id (integer) – Job ID.

Return type



Close a client I/O session to Treasure Data.

query(query, engine=None, **kwargs)[source]

Run query and get results.

Executed result stored in QueryEngine is retained in self.query_executed.

  • query (str) – Query issued on a specified query engine.

  • engine (str, {‘presto’, ‘hive’}, or pytd.query_engine.QueryEngine, optional) – Query engine. If not given, default query engine created in the constructor will be used.

  • **kwargs

    Treasure Data-specific optional query parameters. Giving these keyword arguments forces query engine to issue a query via Treasure Data REST API provided by tdclient; that is, if engine is Presto, you cannot enjoy efficient direct access to the query engine provided by prestodb.

    • db (str): use the database

    • result_url (str): result output URL

    • priority (int or str): priority

      • -2: “VERY LOW”

      • -1: “LOW”

      • 0: “NORMAL”

      • 1: “HIGH”

      • 2: “VERY HIGH”

    • retry_limit (int): max number of automatic retries

    • wait_interval (int): sleep interval until job finish

    • wait_callback (function): called every interval against job itself

    • engine_version (str): run query with Hive 2 if this parameter is set to "stable" and engine denotes Hive.

    Meanwhile, when a following argument is set to True, query is deterministically issued via tdclient.

    • force_tdclient (bool): force Presto engines to issue a query via tdclient rather than its default prestodb interface.




List of rows. Every single row is represented as a list of column values.


List of column names.

Return type

keys (‘data’, ‘columns’)

get_table(database, table)[source]

Create a pytd table control instance.

  • database (str) – Database name.

  • table (str) – Table name.

Return type


exists(database, table=None)[source]

Check if a database and table exists.

  • database (str) – Database name.

  • table (str, optional) – Table name. If not given, just check the database existence.

Return type



Create a database on Treasure Data if it does not exist.


database (str) – Database name.

load_table_from_dataframe(dataframe, destination, writer='bulk_import', if_exists='error', **kwargs)[source]

Write a given DataFrame to a Treasure Data table.

This function may initialize a Writer instance. Note that, as a part of the initialization process for SparkWriter, the latest version of td-spark will be downloaded.

  • dataframe (pandas.DataFrame) – Data loaded to a target table.

  • destination (str, or pytd.table.Table) – Target table.

  • writer (str, {‘bulk_import’, ‘insert_into’, ‘spark’}, or pytd.writer.Writer, default: ‘bulk_import’) – A Writer to choose writing method to Treasure Data. If not given or string value, a temporal Writer instance will be created.

  • if_exists (str, {'error', 'overwrite', 'append', 'ignore'}, default: 'error') –

    What happens when a target table already exists.

    • error: raise an exception.

    • overwrite: drop it, recreate it, and insert data.

    • append: insert data. Create if does not exist.

    • ignore: do nothing.